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Security Training Updates

I am happy to report that, over the past few months, the number of our stewards participating in the L2 Spectator Safety qualification has been steadily increasing, which I find really pleasing and I want to say a big thank you to everyone who is regularly submitting their work.

The qualification is mandatory, for anyone wishing to work at a spectator event, football, rugby, horse racing, athletics, and so if you have not yet started your course, I urge you to begin. A general time frame would be four months to complete all the theory questions, plus two live observations whilst you are at work and a one-day first aid course.

For those of you who are looking to further your career prospects, to a supervisory position, we will also be offering you the opportunity to progress to the level 3 Spectator Safety qualification, as well as the L2 Award in Door Supervision.

As of the 1st of October 2021, a security officer who needs to renew their SIA Security Guarding or Door Supervision license will need to attend and pass a two-day upskilling course before the SIA will issue a new license. This will include completing an L3 Emergency First Aid at Work qualification, refresher training in Conflict Management and Physical Intervention, and both ACT- (Action Counters Terrorism) modules.

Phil Davis

Training Manager