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SGC become NHS SBS Tier 1 Supplier


Today Paul Macarthur and Steve McNulty had a MS Teams Catch up  with the head of Soft FM Framework at NHS Shared Business Services.

The meeting was our quarterly catch up to discuss performance, opportunities and joint marketing strategies.

At the start of the meeting it was announced that SGC Security Services are now a Tier 1 supplier on the framework and in fact SGC are the only Tier 1 security company on the NHS SBS framework.

When that had  sunk in that we are the top performing Security company on the framework we discussed how better to market the framework to NHS and discussed the violence & Aggression reduction programs that SGC are delivering to NHS sites across the UK.

We chatted about the new training project that SGC are creating to train Security Officers engaged with the NHS and they were very excited about what we are planning.

To finish off we had a detailed conversation around Direct Award under the framework and the benefits as this is the vehicle that many of NHS Partners utilise to engage with SGC.

If you want to know more about how SGC provide services to the NHS under the SBS framework call Steve McNulty on 07711596171.