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Mental Health Awareness Week

This Mental Health Awareness Week, let’s come together to support one another and break the stigma surrounding mental health. Did you know that 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem in our lifetime? SGC Security Services believe in the power of a supportive community and prioritize the health and wellbeing of our staff members. We are committed to offering support wherever possible. #NoMindLeftBehind

At SGC, we focus on building strong relationships with our employees, ensuring each member of our team has a point of contact for addressing any concerns. All our employees receive mental health awareness training during their induction, and we encourage open communication about any stress or mental health issues they may be dealing with. Our Managing Director Alan Ives, who is a Trauma Response Manager, personally communicates with officers following any traumatic incident on shift to understand the impact on their mental health. SGC then works closely with affected officers to ensure they receive the appropriate mental health treatment or are signposted to the necessary resources.

We are dedicated to creating a safe and supportive work environment where mental health is a priority. To read personal stories and find out more about mental health, visit Let’s make mental health a priority, not just this week, but every day. Together, we can create a safer, more supportive environment for everyone.