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What do you think of Artificial Intelligence?

What do you think of Artificial Intelligence?

The evolution of technology in the last century has been incredible and has led to the creation of a society where Artificial Intelligence now exists – 50 years ago they would have called that science fiction!

Not only has AI been utilised for general use (many individuals use ChatGPT which is an amazing tool), but it has also been developed for industry specific benefits. In the security industry, for example, AI is now being used in surveillance and offers the possibility of self-calibrating surveillance cameras. The CCTV kits we use at SGC even have inbuilt AI that can distinguish between a person, animal, car (etc.) The advantages of AI are boundless and will most certainly lead us into a new age.

In spite of all it’s positive attributes, it is important to be aware that AI can also be used by criminals to further their illegal activities (through actions such as the creation of realistic scams and phishing emails among other things). It is best practice to always remain vigilant and to only accept communications from trusted sources. Even if the content seems legitimate, it isn’t worth the risk if you don’t trust the source.

The National Cyber Security Centre published a report on ‘The Near-Term Impact of AI on the Cyber Threat’ in January which can be viewed via this link if you would like to learn more: